
amira amin :Be yourself ,create your own story ,ch

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

shoo shweet *gedikkan -,-

When boys send random cute text messages. ❤ 

sweet isn't it? jealous isn't it? you also want like this isn't it? hahaha
k aku macam mintak penyepak pulak -,-' just wanna tell you guys how one text messages can change your mood and how it made your day.
tho it may sound like the guys are lying still it will make you happy aite?
tak percaya? suruh la boyprengg mu text cemtu.pastu kau duduk depan cermin sambil tgk mesej tu kau tgk kat cermin kau sengih2 macam kera ke tak.kalau tak kau mmg takde perasaan.haaa HAHA

k tu je nak post.bosan kan? kbyeeee.