
amira amin :Be yourself ,create your own story ,ch

Monday, April 22, 2013

time passes by

first of all alhamdulillah i have finished my diploma (:
currently waiting for the result to come out.like usual am scared!
tapi like my mom said dah usaha so masa untuk tawakal and berserah pada Allah In shaa Allah will success :))
soooooo im BACK! feuhhhhhh berhabuk dah blog in i mean bukan berhabuk dah berkulat semua laa.hahahaa -,-' dah habis diploma dah pun baru la nak terkial-kial update blog kan? wehuhuuu

so entry ni specially made for my friends who i have shared my 3 years life with (:
kawan serumah sebilik sekelas sebilik air EHHH melampau la tu.hahaa

so let me introduce to you guys my dearest friends :

 me with athirah yusof,my roomate and my classmate. shes my silly and goofy friend.hahaa dengan dia i am soooooooo crazayyyyy. dia lah kawan yang suka buat kerja gila and selalunya aku lah yang dipengaruh.sobbss kita yang baik ni selalu dipengaruh buat kerja bukan2 :( LOL but i wondering will i ever meet someone like you? someone who always melayan perangai aku yang a bit crazy ni. A BIT okeyyy ;p and kawan yang akan hilangkan mengantuk aku kat class? :')

 Atikah Hasan Ganny.my roomate and my classmate for 3 years (: yeahhh banyak benda yang happened and we both went through it together.well i am gonna remember you as my friend forever :)

 meet syue (for short )  my roomate and my junior for BM111 :) seorang yang pendiam and suka sangat tengok drama + sinetron kat tv3.hahaaaa good luck for your studies for part 6 :) in shaa Allah DL lagi.hihi

 meet cik Siti my roomate :) dialah firts person yang aku jumpa masa firts masuk kolej andddd alhamdulillah kita masih berkawan sampai akhir (: in shaa Allah kawan dunia and akhirat :') shes the one who sleep beside me who will listen to all my problem ouhh and bebelan ku.hahahaa
and im sooo gonna miss you buddy~

 next is minaa (in the middle) my dearest chef.hahaaa masak apaaaaa punnnn sedappppp :D well,i still remember how we first meet.how you cried bila cerita pasal arwah mak kau and your life :') thanks for being my friend selama 3 tahun ni!

meet cik Mira a.k.a cik keding yang diam2 berisi ni.hahaha :p oopssiii jgn marah :DD

okeyy gambar kat bawah ni is all my classmate yang akan kurindui :'( well baru je nak rapat kan? tapi dah tiba masa untuk say goodbye.ada hikmah kenapa class kena rombak dulu.kalau tak rombak tak berjumpa la kita kan?



ehhh ehhh belum habis lagi!
ada lagi seorang yang tertinggal laaaa
how come i forgot about my house owner kat kolej tuuuuu
uncle! am sooo gonnnaaaa misss youuuuuu
thanks for being the best and the kindest uncle in the world ehh in Malacca only laa? can aa? hahahaa
uncle and auntie rumah tu dah anggap kitorg ni macam anak sendiri and im sooooo terharu :'))
thanks for everything~~

*HAHAHAHA gambar ni tak pernah fail buat aku gelak :D

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